Multimodal Tracking

End-to-end Tracking Throughout The Order’s Journey

Single Source of Truth for Visibility

Enable a single source of truth for your supply chain today. Integrating multiple different data coming from diverse sources all together in synergy to provide the ultimate control tower.

Solutions Multimodal visibility
Simplifying Carrier Integrations across Multiple modes
Single Source Of Truth

Seamless integrations across multiple types of delivery service providers like freight forwarders, CEP carriers, 3PL and 4PL transporters, and Ocean carriers. Single source that collects status updates throughout the purchase order’s journey from multiple sources, and sends it back to your Enterprise system.

Track Product Track Order to Door
Track Product Track Last Mile
Predictive Delivery Date Updates

Automate the process of gathering and making sense of delivery commitments from different modes of the delivery and predicting the final date for your ERP system. Establish proactive communication to bring customer delight.

Real time tracking and Exception Management

Track each individual leg of the journey real time across multiple ocean vessels, containers, transhipment port, and road journeys in trucks, etc. Set your conditions for exceptions and proactively manage them when those conditions are breached. Run your operations ‘by exceptions’.

Track Product Track Ocean
Solutions MCPMS Carrier Integration
Seamless integrations with ERP Systems

Establish two way integrations with ERP systems for automated operations management. Perform required data transformations in FarEye so that you can connect your delivery service providers to ERP systems without any middleware or connectors

Reduce Manual Efforts and Improve OTIF Deliveries
Points Increase in Customer NPS
Reduction in Manual Status Updates Effort
Reduction in Carrier Integrations
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Multicarrier Delivery Networks
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Multi carrier shipping software for Next Gen Retailers with FarEye Ship
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Multimodal visibility: what is it and how it enhances intermodal logistics operations
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