Ev last mile delivery

How EVs Improve Efficiency in Last Mile Delivery


By Komal Puri | September 12, 2024

The last mile delivery landscape is undergoing a major change with the growing use of electric vehicles. This shift is driven by the rapid growth of e-commerce which has increased the demand for efficient and sustainable delivery solutions. As consumers become more environmentally conscious, businesses are adding EVs to their fleets to reduce carbon emissions and costs. Recent trends indicate that by 2025 electric vehicles may account for around 25% of last mile delivery fleets in markets like India driven by the government incentives and growing sustainability efforts. 

Globally various countries are implementing policies to encourage the use of EVs. Governments are rolling out regulations and subsidies to support the shift to electric vehicles given their potential to reduce urban congestion and pollution. The use of EVs in last mile logistics offers economic benefits with lower fuel and maintenance costs while supporting sustainability goals. As businesses focus more on eco-friendly practices, using EVs in the delivery operations is becoming essential to remain competitive.

The Role of Electric Vehicles in Last Mile Delivery

Electric vehicles are becoming a key solution for the last mile delivery specially in the urban areas. This rise is driven by their low total cost of ownership compared to internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles. Studies show that electric two wheelers can be 30-40% cheaper to own and operate than ICE ones and electric three wheelers can be 20-25% less costly than diesel vehicles. This cost efficiency is crucial since the last mile delivery represents about 50% of e-commerce supply chain costs. Growing consumer demand for sustainability and government policies are also speeding up the EV adoption. It is projected that 25% of EV sales in India by 2025 will come from last mile delivery fleets. 

Electrifying last mile delivery fleets offers significant environmental benefits. Traditional methods contribute to urban air pollution and carbon emissions with the last mile delivery alone making up nearly half of the total emissions. Switching to EVs can greatly reduce this impact. As the cities enforce stricter emissions rules and low emission zones, EVs not only comply but boost the operational efficiency by accessing the restricted areas for faster deliveries. Advanced technologies like route optimization and real time tracking further boost EV efficiency making them an essential part of sustainable urban transport strategies. 

Benefits of Integrating EVs in Last Mile Delivery

Using electric vehicles for last mile deliveries offers many benefits such as improving efficiency, lowering costs and promoting sustainability. Here are the key advantages: 

Cost reduction: Switching to EVs cuts the operational costs significantly. Traditional ICE vehicles can have high fuel expenses. While EVs offer potential savings of upto 80% on the fuel cost. EVs also have lower maintenance costs compared to the ICE vehicles leading to savings of upto 70%.

Environmental sustainability: EVs support a cleaner environment by producing zero tailpipe emissions that helps improve the air quality. They reduce greenhouse gas emissions by upto 90% compared to ICE vehicles supporting the climate change efforts. Lowering pollutants like PM and NOx also reduces the transportation footprint and minimizes the health risks from air pollution. 

Tax benefits and incentives: Globally many governments provide tax benefits and incentives to promote the use of electric vehicles that helps reduce the overall cost of transitioning to EVs. These incentives such as grants, subsidies and reduced registration fees make it more affordable for delivery companies to switch to the electric fleets. 

Enhanced brand value: Adopting electric vehicles for the last mile delivery can help boost a brand’s image and meet sustainability goals. Research shows 66% of consumers favor the businesses committed to environmental responsibility. This approach attracts environmentally conscious customers and strengthens the corporate social responsibility initiatives.

Improved efficiency and productivity: EVs can help streamline the last mile delivery operations. Fixed and shorter routes can reduce range anxiety as the vehicles can return to base for recharging within a short timeframe. Removing the fuel stops saves labor costs and improves the delivery time boosting overall productivity. 

These benefits together make electric vehicles a strategic and smart choice for businesses that are looking to boost efficiency, reduce costs and positively impact the environment. 

Challenges in Adopting EVs for Last Mile Delivery

The adoption of electric vehicles for the last mile delivery is essential for reducing the emissions and improving sustainability. However, several key challenges must be addressed to speed up the transition to electric fleets. Let’s discuss some key challenges: 

High capital costs: The initial investment for the electric vehicles is significantly higher than the traditional internal combustion engine vehicles. This includes the purchase of EVs and the costs of setting up the necessary infrastructure like charging stations. These high costs can discourage companies particularly smaller businesses with limited budgets from switching to electric fleets.

Lack of infrastructure: A major barrier to the widespread adoption of EVs in the last mile delivery is the lack of charging infrastructure. Many areas do not have enough charging stations which makes it hard for delivery fleets to recharge their vehicles. This limitation can cause operational delays and increased downtime that can affect the service reliability. 

Long charging times: Electric vehicles take longer to charge than the conventional vehicles take for refueling. This can disrupt delivery schedules and delay deliveries. The need for strategic planning for charging times and locations adds complexity to fleet management and route optimization. 

Range limitations: EVs are mostly ideal for short distance deliveries as their limited range can create challenges for longer routes. This limitation can cause range anxiety among the fleet operators who may worry about the vehicles running out of battery power before completing their deliveries.

Maintenance and repair concerns: Electric vehicles often need specialized maintenance and repair services which might not be readily available everywhere. A shortage of trained technicians can lead to longer vehicle downtime and higher operational costs for delivery companies using EVs. 

Safety and reliability issues: Concerns about the safety of lithium-ion batteries in the EVs have been highlighted specially after incidents of battery fires. These safety issues can influence how the public views and accepts EVs for delivery adding complexity to their widespread use in the future. 

Regulatory challenges: The regulatory landscape for the EVs is still evolving and businesses face uncertainties about new laws and regulations. This can cause hesitation in investing in the electric fleets as businesses look for clarity on future requirements and incentives.

How FarEye is Supporting EV Adoption in Last Mile Delivery?

FarEye is playing a pivotal role in supporting the adoption of electric vehicles in last mile delivery through innovative products and solutions that enhance operational efficiency and promote sustainability. Here's how FarEye is making this transition smoother: 

Sustainability focus: FarEye’s platform highlights the need for sustainability in logistics due to rising urban delivery traffic which increases carbon emissions. The platform offers green vehicle route planning for eco-friendly fleets and a sustainability dashboard that monitors carbon emissions across different transportation modes. This focus not only promotes the use of electric vehicles but also helps businesses meet their sustainability goals.

Dynamic route planning: FarEye's EV Route Planner allows for dynamic route optimization adapting to real time conditions such as traffic, weather and vehicle constraints. This ensures that the deliveries are made on time while considering the specific needs of electric vehicles such as charging requirements and battery life.

Charging station integration: FarEye's EV Route Planner offers real time information on charging station locations and compatibility along the delivery routes. This helps the drivers plan their trips efficiently ensuring they can charge their vehicles as needed without affecting the delivery schedules. By using vehicle idling time for charging, the platform enhances the efficiency of electric vehicles and convenience for drivers.

Real time visibility: The platform offers real time visibility for the entire order-to-door delivery process enabling the businesses to track deliveries and make necessary adjustments. This is crucial for managing the specific challenges of EVs like charging requirements and potential delays due to charging stops.

Data driven insights: FarEye leverages data analytics to provide the businesses with insights into the operational impacts of integrating electric vehicles into their fleets. This includes assessing cost savings and environmental benefits which can be strong arguments for the businesses considering the shift to electric vehicles. 

Future Trends in EV Last Mile Delivery

The future of last mile delivery is closely linked to the rise of electric vehicles, influenced by economic, environmental and technological factors. Here are the key trends shaping this evolution: 

Economic Benefits 


Cost reduction: Companies are adopting EVs to reduce the operational costs related to fuel and maintenance. With fewer moving parts than traditional vehicles, EVs require less maintenance and reduce costs. By eliminating fuel expenses, logistics companies can better manage the impact of rising fuel prices on their budgets. 

Government incentives: Governments are encouraging EV adoption with financial incentives and regulations to cut the carbon emissions. For example, India's FAME scheme supports electrifying delivery fleets targeting 30% of all vehicle sales to be electric by 2030. 

Market growth: The demand for EVs in the last mile delivery is set to rise with 8 million EVs predicted to join delivery fleets by 2030. Many e-commerce and food delivery companies are planning to electrify their fleets highlighting the growing shift towards sustainability in logistics. 

Technological Innovations


Integration of advanced technologies: The last mile delivery sector is increasingly using technologies like artificial intelligence, robotics and autonomous vehicles. These advancements help improve efficiency, lower costs and simplify the delivery process.

Drone deliveries: Drones are becoming a practical solution for the last mile delivery helping avoid traffic and deliver packages straight to customers. This approach aims to enhance delivery speed and lower environmental impact.

Smart lockers and pickup points: Smart lockers let the customers pick up their packages when it's convenient for them which decreases failed deliveries and increases customer satisfaction. This system also lowers delivery costs by optimizing routes and reducing the need for multiple trips.

Environmental Impact


Sustainability goals: The shift towards EVs is mainly driven by the need to reduce carbon footprint and meet growing sustainability regulations. Many urban residents are supporting the move to electric delivery vehicles to help control air pollution. 

Corporate responsibility: Businesses are increasingly adopting EVs for their economic benefits, enhancing brand value and meeting sustainability goals. This trend is specially noticeable in consumer facing sectors like food and e-commerce delivery. 


Integrating electric vehicles into the last mile delivery is a crucial step towards more sustainable and efficient logistics. With the growth of e-commerce, the need for eco-friendly delivery solutions is becoming even more critical. EVs lower operational costs by reducing the fuel and maintenance expenses and meeting the growing consumer demand for sustainable practices. Government incentives and regulations are supporting this shift making EV adoption not just a trend but a strategic necessity for the businesses that want to stay competitive. 

Challenges like high initial costs, limited charging infrastructure and longer charging times must be addressed to fully realize the potential of EVs in the last mile delivery. As the delivery landscape evolves,  businesses, governments and technology providers must work together to overcome the barriers and speed up electric vehicle adoption resulting in a cleaner and more efficient delivery system.

Komal puri

Komal Puri is a seasoned professional in the logistics and supply chain industry. As the AVP of Marketing and a subject matter expert at FarEye, she has been instrumental in shaping the industry narrative for the past decade. Her expertise and insights have earned her numerous awards and recognition. Komal’s writings reflect her deep understanding of the industry, offering valuable insights and thought leadership.

Komal Puri
AVP Marketing | FarEye

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