Achieve first-attempt success for furniture deliveries and reduce expensive reattempts. Ensure a superior customer experience for owned and carrier-driven deliveries with the same ease. Provide convenience of slot-booking to customers and stick to SLAs with ease with effective route planning.
Enable customers to pick slots of their convenience with the provision to reschedule them at any point. Ensure timely delivery on chosen time-windows to avoid replanning hassles. Improve order-to-door visibility with precise ETA tracking for both owned and carrier-based deliveries. Reduce wait-times for furniture assembly with skill-based mapping of drivers and assemblers for 2-men deliveries and improve service quality.

Plan routes based on customer-chosen slots thereby optimizing service times. Encourage customers to choose green delivery windows to minimize carbon footprint. Offer slots considering road and vehicle restrictions for heavy vehicles carrying big & bulky equipment. Minimize failed deliveries with effective route planning centered around the customers’ preference.
Leverage hybrid route planning to strike the right balance between owned, outsourced and DSP-driven deliveries. Achieve least cost deliveries with rate-based carrier selection at the time of route planning. Reduce reattempts and achieve cost savings.